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Prepaid “동백패스” (Dongbaek pass) transportation card launched on March 18 in Busan expands benefits to foreigners!

조회 1,210

통합관리자 2024-03-21 00:00

Prepaid “동백패스” (Dongbaek pass) transportation card launched on March 18 in Busan expands benefits to foreigners!

This new prepaid type of Busan integrated public transportation card, 동백패스”, is available to anyone over the age of 18, including registered foreigners with alien registration card (ARC) and students. The users receive rebates when their monthly public transit expenses exceed 45,000 won, with a maximum rebate of 45,000 won. The public transportation those can be utilized and reimbursed are △Busan city and town buses (부산 시내·마을버스), △Urban Rail Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 (도시철도 1·2·3·4호선) △Busan Gimhae Light Railway (부산김해경전철), △East Sea Line (동해선), etc.

Adolescents aged 13 to 18, who have lower fares for public transportation than adults, will be able to issue a separate refund limit from the second half of this year. To issue a card and recharge as ‘동백전’: Dongbaekjeon, one can use the “동백전” app on smartphone or visit the nearest Busan Bank branch.

Inquiries1577-1432 (동백전 콜센터)

Original source and for more information: https://www.busan.go.kr/news/totalnews01/view?dataNo=69516&curPage=1


Additionally, big quiz “Can you tell me the name of this Pass?” is still ongoing until March 27. Participate here to win a gift card which is provided to 5 lucky people who answered the quiz correctly through a lottery.

Quiz Period: March 18 to March 27

Winner Announcement: March 29

Source: https://www.busan.go.kr/bige/life/view?dataNo=69496&curPage=1&bbsNo=10&srchCl=Life