교류 & 소통>외국인 커뮤니티

외국인 커뮤니티

다국적 부산무슬림학생협회(BMSA)

조회 192

통합관리자 2023-12-04 00:00

커뮤니티명(영문)Busan Muslim Students Association(BMSA)
대표자Mohamed Adam
커뮤니티 상세보기

소개 Introduction

Busan Muslim Students Association (BMSA) is established in 2016 to help international students from all Muslim countries all over the world to adopt the Korean life style in Busan. Besides, BMSA serve the religious, cultural, and social needs of Muslim students by fostering an open interchange of information, repressing their interests and promoting the ethical standards of Islamic teachings. Also, promote solidarity and exchanges among the students and with other local, regional, national, and international associations, with similar goals and objectives. BMSA try to make Muslim students from different cultural backgrounds get in touch with each other through student gathering events.

설립목적 Purpose

Help the international students from all Muslim countries all over the world to adopt the Korean life style in Busan

설립년도 Established Date


주요행사 Main Events

Gathering events, trips, training lectures, and teaching classes of Qur'an and Arabic language.

• Teaching classes of Qur'an and Arabic language (March, 2023)

BGCF global gathering event (May, 2023)

• Training lecture about islamophobia (June, 2023)

• Busan religion festival (October, 2023)

• Iftar & welcoming ceremony

• Hiking & camping events

• Participate in the public gathering events