라이프인부산 주메뉴
조회 182
통합관리자 2025-02-26 00:00
외국인 체류자격별 국민연금 가입 대상 및 제외 대상 안내
외국인의 체류 자격에 따라 국민연금 가입 여부가 달라집니다.
기본적으로 만 18세 이상, 60세 미만의 외국인은 국민연금에 가입해야 하지만, 몇 가지 예외 체류 자격이 존재합니다.
다음과 같은 체류 자격을 가진 외국인은 국민연금 가입 대상에서 제외.
제외 대상: A-1(외교), A-2(공무), A-3(협정), B-1(사증면제), B-2(관광통과), C-1(일시취재), C-3(단기방문), C-4(단기취업), D-1(문화예술), D-2(유학), D-3(기술연수), D-4(일반연수), D-6(종교), F-1(방문동거), F-3(동반), G-1(기타)
가입 대상 : D-5(취재), D-7(주재), D-8(기업투자), D-9(무역경영), D-10(구직), E-1(교수), E-2(회화), E-3(연구), E-4(기술지도), E-5(전문직업), E-6(예술흥행), E-7(특정활동), E-8(계절근로), E-9(비전문취업), E-10(선원취업), F-2(거주), F-4(재외동포), F-5(영주), F-6(결혼이민), H-1(관광취업), H-2(방문취업)
Guidance on national pension subscription and exclusion by foreigners’ residence status
Whether or not to join the national pension depends on foreigners' residence status.
Basically, foreigners over the age of 18 and under 60 are required to join the National Pension Service, but there are several exceptional statuses.
Foreigners with the following status of residence are excluded from the national pension.
Excluded: A-1 (diplomacy), A-2 (official mission), A-3 (agreement), B-1 (visit exemption), B-2 (passing tourism), C-3 (temporary coverage), C-4 (short-term employment), D-1 (culture and arts), D-2 (study abroad), D-3 (technical training), D-4 (general training), D-6 (religion), F-1 (visit residence), G-1 (companion), G-1 (other)
Subject to subscription: D-5 (recruitment), D-7 (resident), D-8 (business investment), D-9 (trade management), D-10 (job search), E-1 (professor), E-2 (conversation), E-3 (research), E-4 (technical guidance), E-5 (professional occupation), E-6 (specialized activities), E-8 (seasonal work), E-9 (non-professional employment), E-10 (senior employment), F-4 (residential), F-5 (residential), F-6 (marriage immigration), H-1 (tourism employment), H-2 (visiting employment)