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Law-Eater, a legal magazine for foreigners

조회 572

통합관리자 2024-03-07 00:00

7th March, 2024

Archives upload on KORUS LAW (Law-eater)

LAW-EATER [nor-iteo; 놀-이터]: Legal digest, a Korean Law guide steering towards the right way of living in Korea.
Since its establishment in 2021 as Joongwoo Law Firm, KL (KORUS LAW) has grown together as a legal partner for clients in various fields such as corporate advisory, civil affairs, administrative affairs, criminal cases, and family matters. This legal booklet has been published in order to facilitate foreigners residing in Korea to acquire legal insight into Korean law cases. A better understanding of Korean law and its legal practice ensures a secure and blissful life in Korea.
"LAW-EATER" is also available as an e-book at foreign embassies and consulates in Korea, local governments' Global Centers for Foreigners, and foreign support organizations. It can also be found on the websites of koruslaw.com (KL Law Office) and consulateroinko.com (Romanian Honorary Consulate in Incheon) and can be accessed anytime, anywhere, through mobile devices. KL Law Firm will continue to collect major cases of foreigners, publish them regularly, and distribute them free of charge as a series.

Refer to: https://koruslaw.com/law-eater/ 주한외국인을 위한 법학당 LAW-EATER - KL(KORUS LAW)법률사무소
Source: Seoul City (http://www.seoulcity.co.kr)